You are in: Home > Product > Operational > Organizations and projects or services
To manage organizations we must click on: Contacts > Organizations
If you want to create, modify or create contacts for organizations, we will use:
The functionality of the rest of the buttons is the same as in the rest of the application
When we create organizations, we must take in account its ISO category:
This section will help us to catalog the organizations with which we maintain some sort of commercial contact: customers, suppliers, etc. .
Thus when reflect a relationship with another company within TNTConcept we will know whether we are serving, or it provides us.
To manage it: Master tables > Organization Types
The functionality of the rest of the buttons is the same as in the rest of the application
[ video ] This section is specially designed for the realization of our client relationships based on the projects that we are doing for them. Thus, among other things, we can control the billing.
The projects we specify here can be any kind of working relationship that unite us with a particular client: Training courses, services for a specified period, sale of assets, activities, etc..
To manage projects: Contacts > Projects
The functionality of the rest of the buttons is the same as in the rest of the application
This section will allow us to create and modify projects that link us with our customers.
It is important to explain the sections 'roles' and 'costs'. Clicking on:
we can add roles to the project:
[ video ] Our company maintains working relationships with various customers and suppliers, but when we need to contact these companies: who do we call to establish any kind of contact?
n order to solve this problem we have created this section. Using this section, we will register people who we take contact with, due to business relationships.
To manage contacts: Contacts > Contacts
The functionality of the rest of the buttons is the same as in the rest of the application
[ video ] When dealing with customers or potential customers to offer our goods or services, our negotiations can pass through different stages to reach an agreement or not.
It is well known that since we make a first contact with the customer until we get or not a project, different stages or interactions take place, such as meetings, telephone conversations, administrative actions, orders of tenders, and so on. It is desirable to be able to monitor what the interactions that have been made with customers because they give us information that will allow us to establish future business strategies.
To manage interactions: Contacts > Interactions
TNTConcept includes some types of interactions that you can extend in: Master tables > Interaction types
The functionality of the rest of the buttons is the same as in the rest of the application
A basic interaction with our customers once we have established a business contact and he has shown interest in our goods or services, involves sending a commercial offer that may end in a Project.
The offer once signed will establish a formal contract between our client and our company and shall include details such as the date of issuance, the date of validity, its status (open, accepted or rejected) and the rate among others
To manage offers: Contacts > Offers
To create an offer just consist on fulfill its data:
It is possible that for some reason the offer has been rejected (project canceled, disagreement on timing, too expensive, etc.). TNTConcept incorporates a set of possible causes of rejection that can be modified or expanded in: Master tables > Offer Reject Reasons
The functionality of the rest of the buttons is the same as in the rest of the application
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